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Connection String Issue

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Connection String Issue

Postby john w » 29 May 2024, 0:43

I have migrated my data (mySQL) to a new server. On the same server I run the application. To change the data connection I have pointed it to the new server and tested the connection. It works. When I run it locally the application works as expected finding the data that is needed.

Howver when I publish the data it does not work and does not find the data. After much troubleshooting I have discovered that the published connection string is pointing to the old data on a different server.

I am confused that it is does not change when it is changed in the app and works locally. I have deleted all the on the published site and reloaded them with the updated local files several times. For reasons I do not know the published connection is the old one and not the new one.

The ability to connect to my data is a critical requirement of the application, users are not able to login to use it.

Can someone tell me what I need to change or fix getting the new connection strings to pass/update to then app when published.

Below are images the first shows the setting in the IDE, the second from debug in the published app

Ashampoo_Snap_Tuesday, May 28, 2024_19h30m23s.png
Ashampoo_Snap_Tuesday, May 28, 2024_19h30m23s.png (48.32 KiB) Viewed 1354 times

Ashampoo_Snap_Tuesday, May 28, 2024_19h29m36s.png
Ashampoo_Snap_Tuesday, May 28, 2024_19h29m36s.png (31.97 KiB) Viewed 1354 times

John W
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john w
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Re: Connection String Issue

Postby john w » 29 May 2024, 0:48

I have also opened a malfunction request/report

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john w
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Re: Connection String Issue

Postby fgiardini » 29 May 2024, 8:01

Hi John,
have you published this application through IDManager? In that case, I think you just need to update the database connection string and/or credentials in the IDManager configuration.
When you publish an application, IDManager will grab this informations and inject them into the binaries you're installing, so that you don't need to manually change your local project settings every time you switch servers.
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Re: Connection String Issue

Postby john w » 29 May 2024, 11:26

Thank you for pointing me to IDManager! That was the source of my problem.

I did not know the changes in the application were not passed to IDManager. I learned something new today and it is just getting started.

John W
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john w
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Location: Apple Valley, Minnesota USA

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