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Technology JAVA or C#?

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Technology JAVA or C#?

Postby Ted Giles » 23 October 2023, 9:38

I am having a debate on a different Forum regarding the speed benefits of using JSON in loading a big database.
I have always used C# and found it very quick.
Are there any benefits to using JSON, and if so, could someone explain them if you have time?
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Ted Giles
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Re: Technology JAVA or C#?

Postby t.simoncini » 23 October 2023, 12:17

It's probably the auto correction, but there is a bit of a confusion here between JSON (JavaScript), JAVA (in the title) and C#.
Also it's difficult to talk about speed such in general terms, you need to provide the specific algorithm and data, and then you can make a comparison.
First of all, are we talking about INDE and its standard libraries in both JAVA/C#? Or are we talking in general outside of INDE?
Also, if you are talking about calculations, it doesn't matter the language, it's always going to be compiled and executed at a lower level in machine code, so it depends a lot on the hardware and the operations you end up doing.
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Re: Technology JAVA or C#?

Postby Ted Giles » 24 October 2023, 8:59

Thank you.
I will do more research as to why and how JAVA can be used instead of C#
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Ted Giles
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